A hastily put post yesterday

I wanted to write about the code to estimate the value of pi yesterday. In fact I did write one but not to the best of my abilities. I was in a hurry and I couldn't push the code to github so I could link to the html file. Instead, I just hastily pasted the html code from the code to the blog post. Hence the distorted look. It looks way better in reality. I've talked about ipython before and how i one can generate static html files showing code, results and more

HINT: $ ipython nbconvert --to html file.ipynb

On a different note, I just got two new books for the month of December, what-if by Randall Munroe and Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond. I've already started reading what-if rather i'm through half of it. It's a very easy read and it's a very interesting one at that. I bought the book given the weird questions Randall Munroe tries to answer and the weirder answers he comes up with. I've been an avid reader of this webcomic xkcd and I followed the what-if chapter of his online presence since it's inception. Overall, I like it because it makes me think about the weird questions, questions similar to which have popped into my head enough. I guess I will get started on Guns, Germs and Steel in the first week of december, once I'm done with my end semeter exams. It's probably going to be as much of a challenge reading as it was reading 'The emperor of all maladies' but let's see. I don't think I'm qualified enough to be making comments on the these highly-acclaimed books but I will anyway...

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