The week that wasn't (written about)

To be exact, it's been almost 10 days since I last wrote. It's not that I don't have anything to say anymore, I've been talking about menial, day-to-day, conventionally boring stuff all along, it's just that I lost interest in telling people how (conventionally) boring my days were. I can say that I needed a break from writing. I can say that I was busy with work. I can say that I was not interested in writing anymore but I guess none of them are the true reason. I guess I just stopped caring. I don't really have much of a reason as to why I stopped writing and why I am starting again.

It's been a productive week I guess, compared to the same week last year that is. I got tired of having to solve the same problem over and over again so I decided to latex my solutions. I was also getting frustrated/irritated because I wasn't finding practice problems at my level. And because most textbooks don't have a solution sets. One long term goal that I've decided upon this week is to take up a common textbook for which solutions aren't already available online, work them out and put them up online. People like me need reassurance that what they're doing is correct and in fact gives the right answer so I thought it'd be good. Also, I tend to forget a lot so latexing everything will help me down the line, I'm sure. Here is a small hint at what's cooking in this regard. Actually, that's all there is, I just wanted to start a sentence with 'Here is a small hint of ...'.

I'm working on a couple of other small projects, as I have been over the last couple of months. I'll write about them when they reach an acceptable level of completion. I still haven't been able to find time or help to work on the tougher (i.e one that take longer) ideas. Sigh...

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