Radiative heat transfer

I've wanted to simulate the temperature variation of a surface using a multitude of factors - incident radiation, absorption, emission, transmission and reflection coefficient and convection or conduction if relevant. This is one of the main reasons I wanted to take a course on atmospheric sciences last semester and this is one of the many reasons I am currently doing a course on radiative heat transfer. And we finally came to that point this last week, being taught how to estimate total hemispherical emission or absorption coefficients depending on the frequency or angular dependence of radiation and on the angular, spectral dependence of directional, spectral coefficient of emission or absorption. So far, in class, we've been doing relatively simple problems, which don't necessitate the use of a computer. But I want to start pulling at this string now, the string that will eventually lead me to simulate how the emission spectrum of a hollow sphere looks, one with a perfect blackbody sitting inside it. In other terms, a simplified version of how the spectrum of how our sun looks like, or any star for that matter. I should've learnt programming a long, long time ago. And I should've been making such simple computer models for all of my courses. Well, better late than never...

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