Getting the pegen examples/visualization to work.
In the previous blogpost, I linked to the code that Guido used to visualize the PEG parser now used in CPython 3.9. The code lives in the GitHub repository - pegen.
I use Windows as my daily driver and right off the bat, this is a problem because the visualizer uses the curses standard library package - which only works on Linux/Mac OS by default. There are apparently Python packages I can install to get it to work on Windows but I didn't try that approach. A brief search on PyPI led me to the windows-curses package, which might be the solution.
I switched to the Ubuntu WSL I have setup on my Windows machine.
Once on Ubuntu, I needed to install Python. Specifically, I wanted to install Python 3.9. For that, I had to add the deadsnakes ppa to the apt repository list. Once I did that, I needed to install Python3.9-dev and Python3.9-venv. venv to be able to create a virtual environment and install the necessary packages. Python3.9-dev because one of the requirements needed the development headers for CPython.
The requirements are listed in the requirements-text file in the aforementioned GitHub repository.
Finally, I could now run the visualizer using
python -m storyX.driver
where X is 3-7. Note that the story1 and story2 packages do not have the driver script that creates the visualization.
The story3 package contains an example of how the visualization looks.