The Preacher

What do you think is the most preached thing in the world?

Excerpts from the Bible? the Qurey? the Bhagavadgita?

There are a lot of people who arent religious and there are a lot of them who aren't adult enough to understand these religious texts. but still, they've all been told one thing for sure. they've all been preached that -

" the best thing to do after you fall down is pick yourselves up, dust yourselves off and move on"

am i lying? isnt this true? you must've been preached or must've preached this to someone or the other in your life, haven't you? (if you haven't, then dude you seriously need to do something crazy after reading this, something adventurous, something new)

and well, this isn't true. atleast a part of it isnt.
People think that the only thing they can do after they falldown is to just get  up, get over it. and well they move on with their lives without having gained anything from their mistake, without having wondered why the hell they ever fell down in the first place.

You see, the first thing after you fall down is to try and wonder why the hell you fell down!
did someone push you down? is he really strong and is he threating to beat the crap out of you if you get up? then you should seriously consider getting up!

in a way what i mean is that people should've be so dumb that they just move from one mistake to another, not having learnt anything. every  famous scientist, atlest once in their lives has said that their life was full of mistakes. but the thing that isnt obvious here is that they learnt from their mistakes!

edison did a lot of mistakes, but realised everytime the he had to use a different gas in the bulb or a different voltage or whatever. einstein realised that he did a mistake when he plugged in a cosmological constant to give rise to a non-expanding universe but he later on accepted that it was the biggest mistake in his life and he learnt from it!

so, dont be an idiot! the next time you fall, wonder why the hell you've fallen, and then get up, dust yourselves and move on with your life knowing that you have the knowledge and wisdom to not make that mistake again, in your life!

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