It starts here :

I don't know where the end will be, but it all started here. What is the "all" i'm referring to you ask, i don't know. All the stuff i think about, all the thoughts i have and all the crazy conversations i had will make up most of this "all", but that won't be all. All this blog will be, as the title suggests, is the world through my eyes. So, if you don't like it, to put it straight, I don't care.

All that aside, I've been postponing my posts on this blog for a long time now, a really long time. I signed in into blogger when i joined college, two years ago and you may ask why didn't i post anything till now ?? There is a logical reason everything, but not in this case. I went to a pundit friend of mine and asked him which date was good for me to start something new. and he said that July 23rd, 2011 would be a good date and that anything i start on the day would not end up in a pile of crap. Jokes aside, the real reason i didn't start my blog any early was because   but i didnt know how to start, what to write as my first post, what would be good enough to write on. So i was waiting for something to happen in my life, something big, something so friggin that i could keep writing on the same post for an eternity and still not get bored of it. I thought there was nothing interesting in my life to share. When my seniors asked me to tell something about myself, i had nothing to show but 3 years of hard work for my boards and IIT JEE. I was kind of disappointed from this fact, and from the fact that there are people who didn't drain 2 years of life for JEE. So, these two years  in college i tried to prove that i was as better, that i was up to the mark and along the way met a lot of people, have a lot of stories. . I realized that every moment is a mind frikkin moment, every moment is as good as the next one. I realized that i was supposed to make my life interesting, with friends, a whole lot of crazy stuff and a tiny bit of love. So, here go my Life and Times.

And BTW, from the above two para, you might've realized that this blog will be mostly comedy(what i think is funny), a lot of drama along with my views movies, sticoms/ TV serials, on politics, the educational system and on the usual Geek. Also, i dont know why people start with one post, i'm gonna start with 4.

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