a precautionary to movies ..
why am i blogging about movies you say, why should you prefer my blog to the infinite other blogs, websites which tell you about movies ?? i dont got not reason. im just blogging on movies because im out of space on my comp and im trying to fight my urge right now to buy a new external hard drive cos i cant remember all of the awesome movies i've seen so far. so, whenever i feel of watching a movie, i try recollecting about a movie i've seen or just for kicks, i just get back to this blog and read about whatever movie i want to which i've blogged about by then. and before i write anything else, i should mention to you that i am(or atleast i think i am) a geek/nerd. i like scifi a lot; mystery, thrillers and horror too but scifi a lot more. so, all of my reviews will probably be oriented that way. and before anything i post i also want to tell one important thing. You've all heard of Star Wars one way or the other, classmates using star wars references etc and being i...