ARIES Training School on Observational Astronomy, Mar '13 - An overview of the project work

I feel that the slides are pretty self-explanatory as to the theory behind the work, reduction of data (using iraf in this case) and the eventual analysis to understand -
  • ISM dust properties,
  • direction of local magnetic field & 
  • probable cluster members.
Note : On slide 18 in the b/w image on the right with numbers denoted over stars, each pair of numbers i.e (1,2), (9,10) are twin images of the same star generated by the polarimeter on the CCD. This b/w image is the processed data, which is now run through the apphot package in iraf to perform photometry. The graph on the left is plotted using flux (in random units) on the y-axis against size of the aperture (in pixels) used to calculate flux on the x-axis. Excuse me for not labelling the plot. Each curve corresponds to one star and the 2 y data points for each x denote the flux of the two different polarizations.

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