Week 8 - Quasars & Future work
Well, i'm back in chennai again, back at IIT Madras and back to, let's say, a *normal* college life. But I'm still interested in following what i started last summer. As you can see from my report here, and the blog posts from my previous weeks - I've mostly reproduced results from the first paper on my list - Richards et al. (2001) . The next papers on the list are on Photometric Redshifts of Quasars by Richards et al (2001), Composite Quasar Spectrum from the SDSS by Vanden Berk et al (2001) and Simulated colors of objects in the SDSS color space by Fan et al (1999). All three of these papers feed off one another and complement each other! A composite quasar spectrum i used to simulate the colors of a quasar at various redshifts - inorder to do this we need the band structures of the 5 bands - u, g, r, i, z of the SDSS. These can be obtained here . The loop side though is that this data is from 2001 and i haven't been able to find a more rece...