What's the deal with radiation from laptops, monitors and whatnot!

Well, a lot of us get a hard time from our parents when we use our laptops a lot, the usual stories about radiation from laptop screens and what not. And i do remember reading an article a while back on the de-merits of using CRT monitors, - the main one being low energy X-rays being produced by the electron beam when it bombards the screen. Though the amount of radiation is less, it apparently is quite harmful on the long run. So, i did some digging and this is what i came to -

Let's first look at some amateur's point of view of this whole case. There are a lot of mentions of the wikipedia page regarding the health concerns while using CRT monitors but a lot of people testify to their use of CRT monitors over decades and not having come under any kind of medical problem.
But, all of this is amateur talk, not some professional research done in this regard. Also, medical symptoms due to radiation poisoning will take a long time to set in, in the order of ~decades.

So, we look at this, an answer from the Health Physics Society (supposed to be specialists in radiation safety, i can't vouch for them) which says that health concerns due to the X-Rays are indeed real and prolonged use of CRT monitors may lead to medical problems. So, there you have it, a roughly professional answer to the ye-old family rant about laptops being damaging to the body, radiation and what not!

I do agree to the fact that using a laptop literally on one's lap is very harmful, most probably because of the heat that the laptop produces, i do not know of any medical problems that would arise from this unless after prolonged use in the same position!

Again, i can't count on any of these sources and neither are they scientific studies on this topic, so don't completely trust me on this! Try googling about it yourself! 

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