Radio Astronomy - The Observable Range

A really important hurdle to clear in the process of radio astronomy is to decide on a frequency band to listen to and this is not a trivial process. because there is quite a bit of terrestrial communication(comm) signal and extra-terrestrial satellite comm. signals, we can't just build a antenna at any frequency and expect to be able to see extra-galactic radio signals. 

This was one of the things i was having a hard time figuring out because there apparently are quite a few bands where we have less comm. noise but no explicit information on the spectrum allocation and the bands alloted specifically for radio astronomy. 

I browsed through pages finding partial answers like this one, which is relevant to australia and gives a brief outline of the bands where one can try observe using a radio telescope without having to worry about comm noise. 

but that still wasnt satisfactory because i wanted to look at the indian scenario. 
and then i struck gold. The National Frequency Allocation Plan 2011 (NFAP). Search for Radio Astronomy and it will tell you exactly which bands are reserved for Radio Observations in in India and then you can go about designing and building your circuit. 

While it is true that you can't expect to see radio emissions all over the radio spectrum, once you know the bands where there wont be comm noise, you shouldnt have that hard a time to figure out the perfect bands where you do see extra-galactic emission and with no comm noise. 

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