A new blog - childrens book "reviews"

I put the "reviews" in quotes because it's less review-y and more comment-y. Writing is my "theme" for Q1 2025 and I'm pretty happy about the fact that I've started a new blog about the childrens' books that our lives revolve around thanks to Luffy -rahulandluffyread.blogspot.com. I've written 20 posts this month - some of the books came into our lives this month and others have been in our lives for more than an year.

I realize that I'm happy writing "slice of life"-style posts instead of writing strict review-style posts. For reasons I can't describe, I was interested in writing review-y posts about books in my life but I was never able to do justice to the format. To me, a review needs additional work from me to look into critique of the book, and I barely have time to put together a blogpost, so the posts just stay in the "drafts" folder, never to be published. This is a surprising revelation to me and it only occurred after writing 20 posts on a wide variety of books. I think this is the direction I will be taking when I talk about books now - how did the book end up in my life, what did I feel as I was reading the book, how did I relate (or could not relate) to what is in the book, and what are the long-term effects of the book on my life, if any.

The frequency of posts on this blog will likely remain low - but I hope to maintain a regular cadence over on the childrens' books blog. Luffy and I will likely continue looking at new books throughout Q1 2025 so it should be doable.

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