I think I like buying books more than I like reading them

 The books on my bookshelf that I haven't touched yet, some of which I bought 2 or 3 years ago.

I should also include the Judge Dredd and The Boys Humble Bundles that I bought, which I haven't touched yet. I'm not even going to include the list of technical books that are already on my bookshelf, physical and virtual.

It's not like I don't read books. goodreads says that I've read 189 books over the past few years but a good number of those books were at the Austin, Texas and Cambridge, UK public libraries.

I should probably hold off on buying any more books until I finish these. I probably should. Maybe I can buy a new book for every four books that I finish from my list. That might work. Maybe not. Let's see. I should probably stop eyeing the Harry Potter Film Vault Humble Bundle.

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