Movies at a movie theater!

I have watched more movies in a movie theater over the last two weeks that I have in the last two four six months combined.

I watched the new Star Wars movie on the 21st. It was okay. It was fun. I wouldn't watch it a second time though. I just needed to get out of the house and the movie was how I decided to get myself out that weekend.

I'm going to watch "Knives Out" tomorrow and "Jojo Rabbit" and "The Gentleman" the day after.

"Knives Out" seems to have good reviews so I am looking forward to it.

I have been waiting eagerly for "Jojo Rabbit". It's by Taika Waititi - the guy who directed "What we do in the shadows", "The hunt for the wilderpeople" and "Thor : Ragnarok" - all favorites of mine. I especially loved the first two movies. They are all funny and wilderpeople was really beautiful. I am very excited for this movie. (If you didn't know, shadows is both a movie and a TV show.)

Finally, I came across "The Gentleman" and got very excited when I realized that it is a Guy Ritchie movie - the guy who directed "Snatch", "Lock, Stock and Two smoking barrels", "Rocknrolla" and more popularly "Sherlock". I was disappointed by Aladdin (seeing his name associated with the movie when the movie was starting got my expectations up). I didn't even know about the movie until I started booking a ticket for "Jojo Rabbit" and I can't wait.

Also, the two movies on the 1st are practically back to back. It's been a while since I watched movies back to back in a movie theater. I used to do it a lot when I was in school. Once, I watched three movies over the course of a Sunday, moving between two different movie theaters between movies. I'm feeling a little nostalgic.

Don't get me wrong. It's not like I haven't watched any movies recently (cough cough netflix cough) but watching a movie in a movie theater is not the same as that on a small dimly lit 14-inch laptop with mediocre speakers.

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