Podcasts FTW

I recently got some good headphones (Anker SoundCore Q20) so I've been listening to podcasts as I bike to and from work. I was introduced to the world of podcasts on one of my trips to the Enthought Austin office and I got hooked.

I used to listen to 99 % invisible earlier and now i'm listening to a lot of NPR's Planet Money . A few episodes that listened to recently are -

The working tapes of Studs Terkel - Stud Turkel toured the United States in the 70s recording people's descriptions of their jobs and their lives. This reminded me of P. Sainath's book "Everyone loves a good draught" which is a collection of stories about rural India. I wonder if someone is doing something similar now.

The Chicao Boys - Part I and Part II - The story of Chicago trained Chilean economics and the role they had in a Chilean revolution. In the story, there is a mention of how the United States/CIA sponsored Chilean newspapers/weekly magazines to influence the election and it reminded me of how other nations are trying to influence the United States' election process. I guess powerful countries will always try influencing each other - the only difference is the mode of communication.

Antitrust - Part I, Part II, Part III - These episodes cover how the United States started enforcing antitrust laws to protect competition, how the understanding of the law changed to protect customers instead of protecting competition and how led to current Tech giants, which are now under investigation.

I picked up a few more podcasts today - most related to business or Indian news. I'll comment on those later.

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