Tips on dealing with Depression and Job (From a commenter on HN)

I keep checking Hacker News a every couple of hours and maybe a week or two back (actually a month and a half), I came across a discussion on Depression and Job. One of the comments was very helpful and I've had it open on my browser ever since.

I went through the list mentioned in the comment again today and I wanted to share the same with you.

The discussion as a whole can be found here -
The specific comment that I am referring to can be found here -
  • Leave work after 8 hours without making excuses
  • Go to bed at the same time every night
  • Get at least 7 hours of sleep. Try for 8.
  • Stop drinking alcohol and using drugs
  • Eat better. Cook your own meals. Do meal prep to make it easier.
  • Start exercising. Start 3x per week, 15 min of HIIT per day.
  • Drink a large glass of water when you wake up. Drink water throughout the day.
  • Don't drink more than one cup of coffee per day
  • Don't use sleeping pills
  • Work hard during your 8 hours and let it go when you leave.
  • Say "No" more at work. Do it with a smile.
  • Do a few minutes of stretching and meditation every day.
  • Start looking for another job. Put the feelers out. Set up notifications. Take it easy and schedule one or two phone calls per week. Think of it like fishing. You're just chilling out and casting your line and reeling it in. Sooner or later you'll hook something nice.
  • Go for a 30-60min walk every day
  • Get off of social media. Do more things in the real world.
  • Spend more time at work conversing with people you like. Invite them to lunch. Go for walks with them. Go for drinks occasionally.
  • Don't be in a rush to quit. Keep earning your good money until you catch the big fish.
  • Eliminate all stress-inducing things and people in your life with extreme prejudice.
  • When you feel fatigued, rest.
  • Reconnect with true friends and family who lift you up. Disconnect with those that bring you down.
  • Pick a hobby that makes you happy and do it at least 2x per week.
  • Push back on everything possible at work. Does someone REALLY need "all the work [you] have to do" or are you taking it on unnecessarily. Again, say "No".
  • Talk to your boss about taking a break or reducing workload. Let them know you're feeling overwhelmed. Ask for help and/or possibly a change.
  • Reconsider meds from your therapist unless you have been diagnosed with an actual condition. Meds fix one thing and break several other things. Self-medicate with sleep, food and exercise but commit to not missing your "medication".

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