Pocket reading stats

Using the same Python code I used to look at my bookmarks, I looked at my reading habits using Pocket and here are the results.

I installed the app in 2014 and therefore, the number of articles I read in 2014 are fewer in number than those I read in 2015. The 2015 numbers should probably be my benchmark from this point on.

These are monthly reading habits. Apparently, I didn't read as much in Feb and March as I did in the following months. Well, I dug myself deep into two of my courses, General Relativity and Ultrafast lasers at that time, which could be the reason. And I might have read less in September/October than in August or November because I was apping those months. Maybe.

Now we come to days of the month. I can't write anything meaningful about this. It'll be better if I get weekly behavior i.e Monday through Sunday and, if I'm correct, see that I read a lot more on Friday/Saturday/Sunday than on the other days of the week.

And we finally come to hourly habits. Note that the time stamps are with respect to GMT and that they need to be corrected given that I live in Chennai (+0530) i.e shift the whole thing left by 5. It makes sense that there are fewer articles in the bins 19-23 as they correspond to just after midnight and just before 6. Something interesting is the dip in bin 10, corresponding to 3/4 PM. This, I don't understand. Maybe it's because i'm mostly out having coffee with friends at that time. I'll have to think about it.

Again, like I've said before, I need to figure out how to get weekly behavior i.e Monday through Sunday. I also want to figure out how to make something similar to Github's commit visualization, which is an awesome way to represent daily activity. So, that's for tomorrow and the coming week I guess.

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